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June 2023

Generative AI is becoming increasingly common in the life sciences industry and is being applied in various functional areas of biopharma companies.

Generative AI is becoming increasingly common in the life sciences industry and is being applied in various functional areas of biopharma companies.

The recent excitement around ChatGPT has added to the interest in this technology. Applications of generative AI in life sciences are multiplying rapidly, indicating a growing trend toward integrating AI into various aspects of the industry.


The highly regulated life sciences industry, which includes pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device and diagnostics companies, often faces litigation and regulatory requirements related to new product discovery.

The highly regulated life sciences industry, which includes pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device and diagnostics companies, often faces litigation and regulatory requirements related to new product discovery.

To manage the vast amounts of data and respond efficiently to these challenges, eDiscovery is an important solution for the industry. The process of obtaining information in litigation can be streamlined and made more efficient with eDiscovery, which is critical for companies in the life sciences industry. [Source:]

The development of the Covid-19 vaccine by pharmaceutical giants Moderna and Pfizer in one year instead of the typical decade-long cycle is a prime example of AI’s success in the industry.

The development of the Covid-19 vaccine by pharmaceutical giants Moderna and Pfizer in one year instead of the typical decade-long cycle is a prime example of AI’s success in the industry.

By leveraging machine learning and AI, drug development processes can be streamlined, significantly reducing time to market and saving millions of dollars. AI has proven to be a valuable tool in the pharmaceutical industry, enabling faster and more efficient drug development.


Generative AI is becoming increasingly common in the life sciences industry and is being applied in various functional areas of biopharma companies.

Generative AI is becoming increasingly common in the life sciences industry and is being applied in various functional areas of biopharma companies.

The recent excitement around ChatGPT has added to the interest in this technology. Applications of generative AI in life sciences are multiplying rapidly, indicating a growing trend toward integrating AI into various aspects of the industry.


The spread of deceptive and misleading health information on social media platforms has become a worrisome problem, encompassing various topics such as diseases, treatments, and vaccines. In addition, the pandemic has eroded public trust in healthcare.

The spread of deceptive and misleading health information on social media platforms has become a worrisome problem, encompassing various topics such as diseases, treatments, and vaccines. In addition, the pandemic has eroded public trust in healthcare.

According to surveys, only 34% of the public has “some” or “full” confidence in pharmaceutical companies. In this environment, pharmaceutical companies are trying to counter misinformation and prioritize patient protection by providing accurate information.

Print media is proving to be a valuable tool for these companies, providing a tangible and trustworthy medium that has a significant impact on countering misinformation. By using print media, pharmaceutical companies can provide reliable information that builds trust and addresses the challenges posed by misleading health content. [Source:]

Medical affairs teams can effectively demonstrate their value and success by defining the impact of their work through a scientific journey and implementing a comprehensive strategy to measure the engagement of key opinion leaders (KOL).

Medical affairs teams can effectively demonstrate their value and success by defining the impact of their work through a scientific journey and implementing a comprehensive strategy to measure the engagement of key opinion leaders (KOL).

In this way, they can overcome the challenges associated with demonstrating their contributions to the healthcare community. This approach enables medical affairs teams to build a solid foundation to demonstrate the importance of their role and the positive impact it has on patient care and outcomes. [Source:]

To enable access to clinical trials through digital channels, a positive user experience for patients, clinicians, trial sites, and sponsors must be paramount.

To enable access to clinical trials through digital channels, a positive user experience for patients, clinicians, trial sites, and sponsors must be paramount. While this has traditionally been a challenge in healthcare, the potential benefits are significant: improved patient recruitment, improved patient consent, increased patient engagement, and increased clinician satisfaction. By focusing on creating a seamless and user-friendly process, the healthcare industry can unleash these compelling outcomes and advance the field of clinical research. [Source:]