Reinventing Patient-Centricity In The Digital Era
We live in a fascinating age – apps and portals that helps us to keep up with our daily routines from shopping to wellbeing, home and entertainment platforms that anticipate our needs and robots capable of everything from advanced recommendations to complex surgery. Digital channels, touchpoints and tools/devices, automation, algorithms and AI are transforming not only business, but every facet of our daily life. The rise of digital technologies begs an important question: what are the right steps and approaches to take fully advantage of the amazing opportunities the new digital era carries with it? We will share a new approach to marketing and communication to achieve patient-centricity and provide better value for both organizational goals (in terms of measurable impact) and patients’ related KPI such as better service and ability to live the life they want. Today it’s far more important to know how your patients feel than what they think about your brand, so the question is whether you truly own your patient’s experience?
If you want great answers, you should ask great questions
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