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September 2022

Trends in biopharma contract manufacturing 2022

As biopharmaceuticals become an increasingly important part of the drug development pipeline and market, EPR discusses key trends in the outsourcing of their manufacturing.

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Boston BioPharma Consultants: your corporate and brand strategy partner.

#BiotechPharma #Biotech #pharmaceutical #pharma #healthcare #medicine #BostonBioPharmaConsultants

If there is one trait that your brand must speak of, it is trust.

“If there is one trait that your brand must speak of, it is trust.” – Idowu Koyenikan

Boston BioPharma Consultants: your corporate and brand strategy partner.

#BiotechPharma #Biotech #pharmaceutical #pharma #healthcare #medicine #BostonBioPharmaConsultants

We believe in giving our clients the tools they need to make smart decisions about their brands.

At Boston Biopharma Consultants, we believe in data-driven leadership. And that’s not just because we have a lot of data and can see patterns when it comes to marketing.

It’s also because we believe in giving our clients the tools they need to make smart decisions about their brands.

Boston BioPharma Consultants: your corporate and brand strategy partner.

#BiotechPharma #Biotech #pharmaceutical #pharma #healthcare #medicine #BostonBioPharmaConsultants

Developing customized solutions tailored to your needs.

We believe in developing customized solutions tailored to the needs of your business, so we can make the most of your time and resources.

Our consultants are experts at helping companies make decisions based on sound science and practical know-how — we focus on what matters in the real world, not just theoretical concepts.

Boston BioPharma Consultants: your corporate and brand strategy partner.

#BiotechPharma #Biotech #pharmaceutical #pharma #healthcare #medicine #BostonBioPharmaConsultants

Deciding where to outsource in Biopharma development and manufacturing.

Every year, new and innovative drug products and technologies emerge, changing the landscape of biopharma and the treatments that are possible.

This can be credited—in part—to the capabilities and flexibility provided by outsourcing.

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Boston BioPharma Consultants: your corporate and brand strategy partner.

#BiotechPharma #Biotech #pharmaceutical #pharma #healthcare #medicine #BostonBioPharmaConsultants

What is strategic intelligence and why should you care?

If you are in the business world, you have undoubtedly heard the term “strategic intelligence.” But what does it actually mean? And why should you care?

Because strategic intelligence is the most important thing for a business owner or manager to consider: It’s how you stay one step ahead of your competitors, improve your products and services, and ultimately succeed yourself.

Boston BioPharma Consultants: your corporate and brand strategy partner.

#BiotechPharma #Biotech #pharmaceutical #pharma #healthcare #medicine #BostonBioPharmaConsultants

How telemedicine can leverage the shrinking number of physicians

“To keep the number of existing providers, we have to keep them happy and mentally healthy,” an expert from a telepsychiatry practice says.

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Boston BioPharma Consultants: your corporate and brand strategy partner.

#BiotechPharma #Biotech #pharmaceutical #pharma #healthcare #medicine #BostonBioPharmaConsultants

Are you looking for someone to help you plan new products?

Are you looking for someone to help you plan new products? Boston Biopharma Consultants has your back! Our consultants are experts in their field and know how to make sure your product is everything you want it to be.

We will give you the best advice on where to start, and then we will take it from there. We will work with you every step of the way so that when your product launches, your customers know how great your product is – and why they should buy it!

Boston BioPharma Consultants: your corporate and brand strategy partner.

#BiotechPharma #Biotech #pharmaceutical #pharma #healthcare #medicine #BostonBioPharmaConsultants

Expand your brand’s reach through social media influencers.

Marketing is becoming more digital, and for good reason. Companies are using social media as a platform to market their brand and connect with customers.

One way to do marketing through social media is through influencers. Influencers can extend your brand’s reach through their content and encourage people (especially their fans) to try your products and services.

Boston BioPharma Consultants: your corporate and brand strategy partner.

#BiotechPharma #Biotech #pharmaceutical #pharma #healthcare #medicine #BostonBioPharmaConsultants